Strong supervision skills are key to any construction project. This comprehensive online training program offers the critical basic skills and concepts needed to supervise a crew in the residential, institutional, commercial, industrial, and civil construction sectors. The Course uses activities, and quizzes to reinforce the learning.

Click here to download the fact sheet for this course.


This course has been accredited by the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) to five (5) credits towards Gold Seal Certification upon successful completion of this course. A final mark of 100% is required in order to receive a certificate of completion.


This course will provide you with the tools to help you:
  • Build your supervisory skills.
  • Lead a work crew.
  • Communicate effectively.
  • Understand the supervisor’s role in safety and due diligence.
  • Develop and motivate teams.
  • Address performance issues.

Structure and Workload

This course consists of 9 modules of approximately 90 minutes duration each, for a total of about 14 hours of self-paced instruction.

2What is a Supervisor?
3Supervision Basics
5HR Management
6Planning and Scheduling
7Productivity and Quality
8Leading Effective Teams
9Communicating Across Cultures
Image of Course
Type:Elearning Course
Learning Time:14h  