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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Have a question? - Scroll down to check out our Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ). Please contact us, if you have a question that is not included in the list.
You will require a course PIN to enroll in our online courses. PINs must be purchased from a BuildForce E-Learning Distributor. You can view a list of our distributors on the Find a Distributor page. Once you have obtained a PIN, follow the instructions provided in our Quick Step Enrollment Guide.
The first thing you will need to enroll in an additional course is a course PIN. Once you have a course PIN you can enroll in the following ways:
- Enroll using the Catalogue - To use the Catalogue, login to your account and select the Catalogue menu. Find the course you want to enroll in, click Enroll, enter your PIN and click Submit.
- Enroll from the Home Page - Enter your PIN on the Home Page and Login to your account by clicking the Login button on the Left side of the Registration page.
A PIN is a code that is used to enroll in a course. Sample PIN format: BF000_AAA_1234567890
No. BuildForce courses can't be purchased directly on this website. PINs must be purchased from a BuildForce E-Learning Distributor. You can view a list of our distributors on the Find a Distributor page.
If the PIN you are trying to use does not work, try the following:
- Have you already used the PIN to register for the course? The PIN will not work if you are trying to use it to get back into the course. You need to login using your e-mail and password.
- If you are using the PIN for the first time, check to make sure the PIN was correctly input.
- If you've input the PIN correctly and it still will not work, contact our support line and we will be happy to assist you.
Our site will automatically send you your password as long as you know what e-mail you used to register on our site. Try the following:
- Enter your email in the Log in area on the Home Page and click >Log In.
- This will bring you to the BuildForce Login Page.
- Click the Forgot your password? link.
- This will bring you to the Forgot My Password page. Enter your e-mail and click >Send. If your e-mail is correct and valid, the site will e-mail you your account password. Note: If the retrieve password e-mail does not appear in your in-box, check your junk mail-box
- Just to be safe, once you are able to log in to your account, you should change your old password.
The requirements for completing BuildForce e-learning courses are specific to each course and will vary. You can view the Catalogue for more detailed information on course requirements.
A certificate of completion is generated upon successful completion of any BuildForce E-learning course. Certificates can be downloaded from the following locations:
- Completion Notification E-Mail - A link to the certificate is included in this e-mail, which is automatically sent to learners once they have completed a course.
- My Courses Page - When you complete a course, a Certificate button appears in the course description tile on your My Courses page. Any time you need a copy of this certificate, all you have to do is login to your account, click this button and a pdf of your certificate is generated for you to download and/or print.
Yes, most of our courses are accredited by the Canadian Construction Association's (CCA) Gold Seal Certification, and credits are awarded upon successful completion of these courses. For more information on individual course accreditation, see the Catalogue
Our e-learning courses will work on:
- Hardware: PC’s, Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones (Android and IOS)
- Software: Windows, Mac
- Browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox
There are no time limits on our courses, so you can take as long as you need to complete them.
Yes, once a course has been completed learners are granted unlimited access to review the course content.
To obtain a receipt for a BuildForce course you have purchased, you must contact the distributor who sold you the PIN. If you are not sure who the PIN was purchased from, contact our support line and we will provide you with this information.
If you have completed a course and are unable to obtain your certificate, contact our support line and we will investigate the problem.
Our website does not allow names and e-mails to be changed by learners. To make these changes, please contact our support line.
To request a refund for a PIN you must contact the distributor who sold you the PIN. Individual distributors will have different policies regarding refunds.
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Enrollment Quick Steps Guide
Need to get started? - Below you will find additional information that will help you get started in a BuildForce e-learning course.
- Enrollment Quick Steps (PDF)